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Carla Elena Mezo-González

Carla Elena Mezo-González

Université de Nantes, France


Carla Mezo is a Mexican second-year-PhD student in the program of Biology and Health at the Université de Nantes, France. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Biotechnology (2012) and a Master of Science in Molecular Biomedicine (cum laude, 2016) from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), in Mexico City. From 2016 to 2018 she worked at the Laboratory of Gastroenterology and Nutrition at the Hospital Infantil de México. She has been a research fellow at the Laboratory of Cell Biology and Natural Products (2014-2016) and the Laboratory of Zoology at the IPN (2010-2012).



Abstract : Alterations on the kynurenine pathway as potential mechanisms underpinning obesity-induced cognitive impairment