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Rozita Aboutorabi

Rozita Aboutorabi

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Rozita Aboutorabi has her expertise in Educational Philosophy and passion for Hermeneutical Phenomenology. Her open and contextual educational model based on Heidegger’s viewpoint about human beings and his understanding of the surrounded world in “Being & Time” creates new pathways for improving education. She has built this model after years of experience in research, teaching and philosophizing in the educational implications on Heidegger’s view. She is enthusiastic about neuroscience and she is doing research on metacognition as well. She is a hard-working persistent researcher who has a very exact plan for every step of the way and is strict on sticking to them. She discloses the overlaps of these two fields. This approach is responsive to all stakeholders and has a different way of focusing. Hope that the results of this research can lead to changes in educational fields and give them new insights to bring up humanity. 


Abstract : Metacognition: An hermeneutical phenomenology & neurology approach