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Ravimal  Galappaththi

Ravimal Galappaththi

National Institute of Mental Health, Sri Lanka


Ravimal Galappaththi is both a Freelance Psychiatrist and a General practitioner, working closely with Families and Children affected by Intimate partner Violence. He has worked in many child and adolescent mental health posts, across UK, Australia and Sri Lanka. He gained his MBBS and a post graduate MD from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and further completed specialist training in United Kingdom gaining MRCPsych.  He also holds a Diploma in Strategic Psychotherapy and currently a post graduate student in International Health Policy in London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).  His academic interests spans from psychological distress of children among couples with mental illness, IPV and psychological effects of children, among women leaving Sri Lanka, for International Labour Market (ILM). He would also like to explore the use of social and cultural capital in child development


Abstract : Frequency of major mental illness among the referrals to GBV unit of a psychiatric tertiary referral centre in Sri Lanka