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Mathew Nguyen

Mathew Nguyen

University of Florida, USA


Mathew Nguyen, MD is double-boarded in Adult Psychiatry and Child/Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr. Nguyen earned his doctorate in medicine at the University of Texas-Health Science Center-San Antonio. He subsequently completed an internship at Baylor College of Medicine, general psychiatry residency at Georgetown University, and child/adolescent psychiatry fellowship at the University of Florida. His experience in eating disorders includes treating the very ill inpatients to directing an intensive outpatient program. He has treated patients ages 9 to 72. Dr. Nguyen has presented on various eating disorder topics at both national and international conferences as well as having multiple publications on the subject. His main area of interest in eating disorders includes understanding the interactive psychological dynamic between patient, family members, and providers


Abstract : Understanding and treating ARFID (avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder)