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Emmanuelle O’Grady

Emmanuelle O’Grady

KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore


Emmanuelle O’Grady is a Senior Clinical Psychologist for 13 years specialized in Child and Adolescent Psychology. She has worked in countries like the France, the USA, Ireland and is presently based in Singapore for the last 3 years, where she works a Senior clinical Psychologist in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. She works mainly with children and adolescents in the outpatient and inpatient Pediatric services. As a clinical Psychologist in Singapore, she has been developing or initiating programs in Psychodermatology and Psychosomatic medicine


Abstract : The effectiveness of a group intervention program “P.STAR: Psycho.Somatic treatment for active recovery” of children or teenagers, presenting with severe somatoform disorders in KK Hospital, Singapore

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