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Art O’ Malley

Art O’ Malley

Mascot Child and Family Services limited, UK


Art O’Malley worked as a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist from 2004 and accredited as an EMDR consultant from 2008 to 2018. He is also trained in sensorimotor psychotherapy and is been a member of the UK and Ireland EMDR association since 2002 and was a member of the European Conference organizing committee for the London Conference and the Child and Adolescent Committee. He presented at their AGMs in Glasgow, Manchester, Dublin and at the European conferences in Paris and London. He is at present, widely into the fields of trauma, neglect and the developing brain, attachment disorders, personality disorders, emotional dysregulation in ADHD and ASD diagnosis and management. He first presented on this model at the ISSTD 28th Annual conference in Montreal November 2011.


Abstract : The art of BART: Bilateral affective reprocessing of thoughts as a dynamic model for psychotherapy across the lifespan

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