Ingunn Hagen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ingunn Hagen's research includes such fields such as audience reception studies, political communication, consumption of popular culture, young people and new media, and recently children and consumption. She is on the editorial board of journals like Participation and European Journal of Cultural Studies. Her books include Hagen, Ingunn & Thomas Wold (2009): Mediegenerasjonen. Barn og unge i det nye medielandskapet (The Media Generation. Children and Young People in the New Media Landscape), Samlaget; the book by Hagen, Ingunn: Medienes publikum. Fra mottakar til brukar? (Media Audiences. From Receivers to Users?), Ad Notam Gyldendal, 2004/1998; and Hagen, Ingunn & Janet Wasko (Eds.): Consuming Audiences? Production and Reception in Media Research. Hampton Press, 2000. She has published articles in a number of books and journals, both in English and Norwegian.
Research Interest
Political communication, consumption of popular culture, young people and new media, and recently children and consumption