Delphine Collin Vezina
Centre for Research on Families and Children
Delphine Collin-Vézina is the Director of the McGill centre for research on children and families. She is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Canada Research Chair in Child Welfare and Associate Professor in the McGill School of Social Work. She has developed a strong interest in research and clinical topics related to child maltreatment, child sexual abuse and trauma. Overall, her research has contributed to an understanding of epidemiological trends in child sexual abuse, of child protection responses to reports of child sexual abuse cases, of trauma-related needs of children and adolescents from different health and social services settings (e.g. youths in out-of-home care) and of trauma-related service provision in child protection agencies and health.
Research Interest
She has been the Principal Investigator of several substantial provincial and federal grants and has led and collaborated on significant projects on mental health, family violence and service provision with key organizations in Canada.