Alex Kiselyov
Bionaut Labs, USA
Title: Bionaut: A breakthrough robotic microdevice to treat non-communicating hydrocephalus in both adult and pediatric patients
Biography: Alex Kiselyov
Bionaut Labs, LLC is developing a minimally invasive robotic microdevice designed to treat non-communicating hydrocephalus in both adult and pediatric patients. The device utilizes biocompatible microsurgical particles (Bionaut™) specifically designed to safely and reliably perform accurate fenestration(s) in the 3rd ventricle, aqueduct of Sylvius, and/or trapped intraventricular cysts of the brain in order to re-establish normal CSF flow, and thereby balance intra/intercompartmental pressure The Bionaut™ is navigated to the target via CSF or brain tissue in a minimally invasive fashion with precise control using real time imaging. Upon reaching the pre-defined anatomical target, the external driver allows for directing the specific microsurgical action. Notable features of the proposed protocol are: i) Bionaut™ access to the intraventricular target follows a clinically validated endoscopy trajectory which may not be feasible via ‘traditional’ rigid endoscopy: ii) the treatment is microsurgical, there are no foreign materials left behind post procedure; iii) Bionaut™ is an untethered device navigated through the subarachnoid and intraventricular compartments of the brain, following pre-designated non-linear trajectories as determined by the safest anatomical path; iv) Overall protocol involves minimally invasive delivery and post operational retrieval of the surgical Bionaut™. The approach is expected to be suitable to treat pediatric patients 0-12 months old as well as adult patients with obstructive hydrocephalus who fail traditional shunts or are eligible for endoscopy. Current progress including platform optimization, Bionaut™ control, imaging and in vivo safety studies of the Bionauts™ in large animals, specifically the spine and the brain of ovine models will be discussed.