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Guy P. Marti

Guy P. Marti

Clinique Saint Jean Hospital, France

Title: Myofacial and tongue physiotherpy associated or not with ankyloglossia surgical treatment has potential to treat ADHD and sleep disorders


Biography: Guy P. Marti


All ADHD suffering chidren have sleep disorders. Among them 95% have some degree of sleep apnea.

All sleep apnea children have a tongue disfunction related to a lower position, primary swallowing and open mouth breathing.

To normalize this disfunction a team approach is necessary and involves the otolaryngologyst (check capacity of nose breathing), the orthodontist (widen the maxilla with appliances) and the maxillofacial specialized physiotherapist.

We, among others, have developped a training program aimed to retrain children to verticalize the tongue position with or without surgery of the tongue frenulum.

In addition to normalization of the craniofacial growth and teeth positioning, the normalization of sleep has a beneficial effect on the children daily behaviour.

We propose here a protocol aimed to identify children who could benefit from this team approach.