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Begum Engur

Begum Engur

Title: Importance of parent training before child birth from infancy to toddlerhood


Biography: Begum Engur


It's a very intimate and rewarding experience to help parents understand and care for their babies and young children in various ways. As a child adolescent mental health specialist, what author commonly faces is that we try to help/guide the parents after certain problems occur. That leads us, as professionals in this field, to think about the importance of parent training before birth and take actions accordingly. There are some basic strategies considering the areas like toilet training, sleeping, feeding, attachment, behavior within first couple of years. These strategies when thought can ease the fears of new parents and show them how to empower themselves. Of course every child and family is different, however it is highly important to teach the parents how to observe, respect, communicate with the babies and see who they really are. Some of the core factors are listed below while we train parents in different areas like patience as it takes patience to parent well, requiring a long term perspective. Naturally, the older the child, the longer it takes; consciousness as it begins when your child takes his first breath, to be conscious about who your child is. Being aware of their perspective it is also a matter of thinking things through before doing them and planning ahead; maintaining a routine for your child and it is a time that we guide them, not follow them also reading child's cues is equally important.       Having realistic expectations and trying something that would work for your family. We will talk about training the parents on numerous aspects considering these factors at the same time.