Haike Jacobs
Molendrift, Netherlands
Title: Theory and application of a relational model/approach in treatment of multi-problem families: renewal, efficiency in collaboration and effectiveness
Biography: Haike Jacobs
The responsibility for youth care in the Netherlands has been transferred from provincial governments to the municipalities. Due to this transformation, Dutch youth care has undergone a substantive renewal and focus on cooperation. One important innovation is the concept integral aid. Especially in families with complex problems integral aid provides more continuity because it is appropriate and coherent. From a variety of disciplines, care is better utilized and coordinated through ‘one family one plan’; care is given in different areas of life, there is better coordination among health care providers, and there is continuity in transitional phases. Further, a lot of attention is focused on client participation and joint decision making. This way, children, and families remain starting point of health care. Care will be provided as light and unobtrusive as possible, but immediately intensified when needed. Effective child healthcare is an essential part of the new, Dutch youth act. It strives to connect knowledge and practice. On the one hand, there is evidence based care and on the other hand, there is customized care. In addition to the evidence-based model, there is an important role for the relational model/approach. These models need reconciliation and become connected as they are two sides of the same medal. Relationships can be the cause of many problems, but they can contribute to the solution as well. Relations are very natural, even when they are ineffective, and have a major influence on the outcome. Negative relationships have an interrupting effect on emotions, which in turn affect cognitions and subsequently leads to disconnections, with a negative outcome. On the other hand, relationships can also influence cognitions in a positive way, which can result in more agency, connection and eventually in positive outcomes. In the Beijum district, a deprived area of Groningen, a unique combination of the evidence-based model and the relationship model/approach is being used.