Mary Ellen McMonigle
La Salle University, USA
Title: Providing useful information to young adults concerning relationships development of the Relationship Evaluation and Analysis Link Revised (REAL-R)
Biography: Mary Ellen McMonigle
Information concerning relationship attitudes and perceptions on intimacy, passion, and commitment is useful to individuals engaging in intimate relations or considering such an effort. Vaillant from the Harvard Study of Adult Development indicates that close relationships when we are young make an enormous difference in the quality of our lives. Erikson (1968) indicated that the periods of time between adolescence and adulthood involve stages concerning identity and love in his model of psychosocial development. Therefore, it is this group of individuals who are actively pursuing romantic connections. Providing feedback to young adults in this period of life may be advantageous for enhancing the quality of their relationships and the quality of their lives beyond young adulthood. The purpose of this study is to establish the psychometric properties regarding reliability of a newly revised instrument, the Relationship Evaluation and Analysis Link Revised (REAL-R), which can be utilized to assess strengths and weaknesses and identify factors related to intimate relationships. It may be used to provide valuable feedback to youth and young adults concerning key areas of relationship functioning. The REAL-R assists individuals with identifying their position on scales for seven relationship factors. The purpose of this workshop is to examine the literature concerning relationships and demonstrate and experience the REAL-R. Discussion will include providing youth with valuable information about themselves concerning key areas on relationship functioning.