Erna Marina Kusuma
Vier Psychology Services, Indonesia
Title: Effectiveness of nerve activation to language ability and concentration on children
Biography: Erna Marina Kusuma
Since the digital era began, especially in the 2000s, children began to recognize computers or gadgets in their daily activities. In Indonesia, for the last few years, children of 2-year-old play a lot of gadgets and watching TV in their daily activities. Busy working life and hectic schedules mean parents are often running out of time to spend with their children, so that children often live with babysitter all day and often just watching tv or playing video games to keep the child quiet. Anamnesis results show that on average, babies are played television shows for about 6 to 8 hours a day. This resulted in the interaction of children with the surrounding people to be reduced. Reduced interaction to the surrounding affects children's ability in communication, focus and socialization of children in the future. Over the past 10 years, 80 percent of patients who have speech delay, hyperactivity and other developmental disorders are starting from the use of gadgets and televisions since they were infants. The most common development disorders are the lack of response to the surrounding and delayed 2-way communication. This shows the use of electronics such as gadgets and watching TV excessively since infants will affect the development of the cerebrum where the brain is very useful for language development and response to the surrounding. A natural way that can help the brain become actively re-integrated is by activation of the nerves. Nerve activation is a combination of a variety of simple movements and light massage integrated into the head and inside the mouth. This movement and massage can be done passively or actively. Some of this nerve activation movement is simple and can be done at home. In the past 10 years, it was seen that patients who were given the method of nerve activation had increased 95 percent in speech ability compared with patients who were not given neural activation method. The categories of patients in this case are aged 3 to 5 years, experiencing speech delays and concentration disorders, have never tried any therapy, given the method of nerve activation in therapy for 4 months with a duration of once a week in the mouth activation and every day 3 hours of motion exercises in home, a 95 percent increase in speech and 2-way communication and focus.