Catherine MacWillie
Custody Calculations, A Public Benefits Corporation, USA
Title: Crime, court and parental alienation
Biography: Catherine MacWillie
In today’s divorce environment of extreme litigation, parental alienation, false allegations, of child abuse, police reports and restraining orders, filed to gain an advantage in custody. Parents in growing numbers pushed to the edge commit crimes from mild to horrific ending in the terrible loss of life such as the case with the largest mass shooting in the history of Orange County California dealing with divorce and custody issues. Sometimes even with the unthinkable parent taking the life of their own children such was the case with two children Sam and Libby Porter who were only 7 and 8 years old or the suicide of a child only 6 years old despondent over his own parents’ divorce. Family law may be responsible for 25% of the crime in the United States such as homicides, suicides, abductions, child abuse, domestic violence, violation of restraining orders, and violation of court orders, stalking and more. These issues are not limited to a single country, continent or gender as headlines around the globe now document to the detriment of children and families and others caught in the crossfire.