Hikari Namatame
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Body appreciation and intuitive eating among Japanese high school boys
Biography: Hikari Namatame
Research on body image and eating behavior has been heavily centered on describing and predicting negative body image and disordered eating. Recently, however, the studies of positive body image such as body appreciation and adaptive form of eating such as intuitive eating have gained momentum. Although the research on body image and eating behavior has been often targeted only girls, the importance of the research on body image and eating behavior among boys are indicated in these days. The present research aimed to investigates body appreciation and intuitive eating among Japanese high school boys. 148 high school boys participated and completed the body appreciation scale, intuitive eating scale-2 and other body image related measures such as body dissatisfaction. Body appreciation showed significant correlations between several other body image measures. In contrast, intuitive eating did not show any significant correlation between other body image related measures. The implications of these findings are discussed.