Maria Teresa Aydemir
Clinical Psychologist in private practice, Poland
Title: A therapeutic dilemma: Symbolic versus literal approach while working with adolescent patients, shown with the use of clinical examples.
Biography: Maria Teresa Aydemir
The purpose of this presentation is to show psychotherapeutic work with adolescent patients, based on our clinical long-term psychotherapeutic experience. Many adolescent patients have presented significant emotional deficiencies resulting from the lack of enough parental care and support. In these situations, therapists often become 'substitute parents'. Our dilemma, as therapists, is how to keep a symbolic and analytical attitude facing these significant deficiencies and needs of our young patients. This dilemma is critical, as the period of adolescence is an especially important and difficult moment in one’s life. This time of a transition requires guidance from an adult figure helping them to enter early adulthood. The question is how far can or should the therapist fulfill this role? We will present two clinical examples of individual psychotherapy with an adolescent female and with a late adolescent male patient. We will share our thoughts and reflections regarding these cases and would like to invite you for an open discussion on this topic. Our presentation is dedicated especially to psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors and other specialists working with adolescent clients and their families. We are going to deliver a 25-minute oral multi-media presentation in English.