Kishore S
Dr. MGR Medical University, India
Title: Improving the capacity and effectiveness of child well-being and protection
Biography: Kishore S
Child wellbeing and protection’ is used to refer to the duty of everyone, including social workers, for the wellbeing, improvement and safety of the children and young person in our community. The family in all of its diverse forms is the basic unit of care for children and young people and that all families need supportive connections to enable them to develop firmly and happily. It recognizes that many families and communities have to face situations and conditions that demanding their capacity to provide optimal care for children and young people. Social workers, in a variety of practice contexts, need to be able to promote child wellbeing and to assess and respond to the needs of children and families through direct practice and through working for structural changes. Young people and families requires an understanding of the inter-related nature of child wellbeing, abuse and neglect with issues such as poverty, domestic violence, drug and alcohol misuse, disability, colonization and the ongoing impacts of the Stolen Generation, homelessness, education, health and mental health. Contribution in primary prevention programs has the greatest likelihood of inhibit progression along the service continuum and sparing children and families from the harmful consequences of abuse and neglect. Building capacity within families through the employment of a tertiary-qualified workforce with the skills and support infrastructure to work with high-risk families, reducing the administrative load on frontline workers, increased funding to family support and preservation services, reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of the assessment ground work used by child protection, services including the use of structured decision-making tools.