Sarah Parry
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Title: Exploring Healing Following Trauma for Looked After Children
Biography: Sarah Parry
The presentation will discuss recent findings from our trauma-focussed residential service for looked after children. The service supports a number of children who have experienced multitype trauma, including sexual abuse. The novel Restorative Parenting approach, developed by Dr Chris Robinson, is a framework for providing specialist and intensive support for children and young adolescents who have experienced multiple losses, transitions and interpersonal traumas. The Restorative Parenting framework and five-index measure (Self-Care, Forming relationships & attachments, Self-perception, Self-management & self-awareness, Emotional Competence) aims to promote wellbeing through a multisystemic practice model. Our initial findings, combined with the recommdendations of our team’s other recent publications such as an ideographic systematic review of talking therapies for adult survivors of child sexual abuse and an exploratory study of survivors’ experiences of inpatient services, will be discussed in the context of our current practices. An early audit of the childrens’ progress has shown extremely promising results and new indications for how the practice model can be developed further. Recent findings in relation to the existing knowledge base will be discussed