Huda N. Shaaban
Learning Difficulties Professional Association, Kuwait
Title: Executive functions deficits in students with LD/ADHD
Biography: Huda N. Shaaban
ADHD is not a simple hyperactivity, nor a behavior disorder. It is a brain disorder that affects students’ executive functions. Executive functions proved to have a huge impact on memory, awareness of time, being organized, getting started and following direction. Would working memory be a better predictor of academic success than IQ Scores? ARE executive functions the new IQ? What are these skills that ensure school success and impact learning and behavior? How to recognize these skills? How do all these skills enable an individual to effectively create a goal, form a plan, and self-monitor through tasks? In this session, we’ll try to identify how EF deficits are impacting ADHD students’ ability to successfully use classroom learning and what are the accommodations and strategies teachers may use to enhance them