Call for Abstract

2nd International Conference on Adolescent Medicine & Child Psychology , will be organized around the theme “New Insights on advanced research and deciphering behavioral strategies in child development”

Child Psychology 2016 is comprised of 20 tracks and 154 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Child Psychology 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Psychology of Child includes Psychological development in child mainly refers to the development throughout the lifespan. Worldwide there are many psychological conferences .As we know mental health is absence of mental disorders, different kinds of syndromes during the life span results in mental disorders. Worldwide 20% of adolescent and children experience mental disorders. If untreated, then these conditions influence children’s development. What is the Mental illness across life span of Child, how Brains and Mental health related, Children sleep and mental health relation, Mental Rehabilitation? Sometimes people even think of is Mental illness a Myth?? 

  • Track 1-1Abnormal child psychology
  • Track 1-2Middle child syndrome psychology
  • Track 1-3Psychological development in child
  • Track 1-4Stages of child development
  • Track 1-5Psychological characteristics of preschool children
  • Track 1-6Environmental influences in children
  • Track 1-7Building a fear and avoidance hierarchy for anxious youth
  • Track 1-8Role of parents in child psychological development
  • Track 1-9Child Well Being and early development
  • Track 1-10Developmental Psychophathology
  • Track 1-11Violence among children
  • Track 1-12Childhood trauma
  • Track 1-13Child Health and Early child education
  • Track 1-14Child Mental Health

Neonatal period is included in the perinatal period of a child where it mainly emphasize on the first month after the birth of child .It explores earliest experiences of the individual during pregnancy and after child birth ("perinatal"), how new born baby respond in the environment, Many question arises in every mind what is the Life before Birth, Maternal fetal bonding, so in this session we will talk about what can be the environmental impact on prenatal development.  In the analysis does in USA it was found Parents, too, can be a source injury to the unborn baby as the consequence of their personal habits alcohol and drug addicted that may even lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

  • Track 2-1Maternal fetal relationship/bonding
  • Track 2-2Parenting styles
  • Track 2-3Imapact of nutrition on prenatal Development
  • Track 2-4Postnatal depression
  • Track 2-5Parenting stress
  • Track 2-6Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Track 2-7Enviroment impact on prenatal development
  • Track 2-8Infant Psychology
  • Track 2-9Neonatal intensive Care
  • Track 2-10Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
  • Track 3-1Child abuse and neglet
  • Track 3-2Bullying and aggression
  • Track 3-3Child rights
  • Track 3-4Child welfare
  • Track 3-5Child development
  • Track 3-6Child maltreatment and parenting
  • Track 3-7Child and adolescent victim

Adolescence is hard time for a child, all the psychological and physical changes occur during this teen age. It is refer to as transitional period in life of an individual. In this session we will have a talk on physical and hormonal changes like negative attitudes, pressures from peers, drug andalcohol abuse, depression in adolescence, puberty changes, issues of sexuality, impact of substance abuse on child, bullying and aggression, impact of culture on adolescent learning, self-harm and suicidal behavior, social life of adolescent, adolescent psychosis, adolescent parental relationship.

  • Track 4-1Adolescent parental seperation
  • Track 4-2Impact of culture on adolescent learning
  • Track 4-3Bullying and aggression
  • Track 4-4Adolescent psycosis
  • Track 4-5Impact of substance abuse on adolescent
  • Track 4-6Adolescent parent relations
  • Track 4-7Adolescent addiction
  • Track 4-8Adolescent risk behaviours
  • Track 4-9Impact of Alcohol Comsumption
  • Track 4-10Suicidal behaviour and self harm

Pediatric psychology is an interdisciplinary field of research and clinical practice addresses the psychological aspects of illness and promotion of health behaviors in children, and adolescents. As per the U.S. Surgeon General, about 20% of American children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness during a given year. Nearly 5 million American children and adolescents suffer from a serious mental illness. According to a recent study about 7 percent of kids worldwide have ADHD. Our conference will address all areas pertinent to various childhood disorders including Pediatric epilepsy, Pediatric bipolar disorders, and the role of psychologist in emergency treatment.

  • Track 5-1Pediatric epilepsy
  • Track 5-2Pediatric bipolar disorder
  • Track 5-3Pediatric conditions and the role of psychologist
  • Track 5-4Pediatric emergency treatment
  • Track 5-5School and Relationship problems
  • Track 5-6Stress Management and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies
  • Track 5-7Pediatric Health and Neurology
  • Track 5-8Pediatric Psychology
  • Track 5-9Clinical practice in pediatric psychology

Positive psychology is a relatively new field branch of psychology which focuses on how to help human beings prosper and lead healthy and happy lives. While other branches of psychology tend to focus on dysfunction and abnormal behavior but positive psychology is centered on helping people become happier. In this particular session we will cover all the major topics of positive psychology including Positive Psychology practice, Optimism and helplessness, Mindfulness, Positive thinking, Resilience and applications of positive psychology.

  • Track 6-1Positive psychology practice
  • Track 6-2Positve psyhcology exercises
  • Track 6-3Applied postive psychology
  • Track 6-4Positive corelations psychology
  • Track 6-5Positive behaviour
  • Track 6-6Positive psychotherapy
  • Track 6-7Positive interventions

Educational Psychology is mainly based on study and applied theories and concepts from all of psychology in educational settings.  It might be schools, starting from preschools and all the way through college. The two theoretical perspectives within educational psychology are the cognitive perspective and the behavioral perspective. The field of educational psychology involves study of conceptual processes, memory and individual differences in conceptualizing new strategies for learning processes in humans. Our conference will mainly emphasize on development and cognitive theories in educational psychology, overview of social psychology and its application in education, different learning styles and theories, child school Psychology and early childhood education.

  • Track 7-1Education and child psychology
  • Track 7-2Child school psychology
  • Track 7-3Early childhood education
  • Track 7-4Learning styles and theories
  • Track 7-5Development and cognitive theories in educational psychology
  • Track 7-6Overview of social psychology and its application in education
  • Track 7-7Rural Education

All parents hope for a perfect child, unfortunately some children are born with serious developmental disorders as every child is at increased risk as estimated by the research in USA. Developmental disorders is a group of psychiatric conditions most often occur and are diagnosed when the child is of school-age, so the question raised how does a child living with development disability? how environment influences the child development , all this results in Mental retardation, Reading disorders, Stuttering,Substance abuse and alcohol problems, Suicide prevention and support, Internet and Selfie addiction, Learning disability, Neural Tube Defects , Seizure Disorders, Fragile X Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Childhood anxiety. Tourette syndrome

  • Track 8-1Children with ADHA
  • Track 8-2Tourette syndrome
  • Track 8-3Fragile X Syndrome
  • Track 8-4Internet and Selfie addiction
  • Track 8-5Development psychopathology
  • Track 8-6Diagnosis and treatment in clinical child psychology

Autism is a spectrum of closely-related disorders with a shared core of symptoms. What is autism through lifespan as every individual on the autism spectrum has problems to some degree with social skills, empathy, Speech development and programs, communication, and flexible behavior. Scientists don't know the exact causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but research suggests that both genes and environment play important roles so here we have glance on  Autism Genetics, Dietary supplements for autism, Neurotransmission and signaling in autism, Therapy for autism, Novel methods: Challenges of treating people with autism are included in this session.

  • Track 9-1Genetics of autism
  • Track 9-2The Autistic Brain
  • Track 9-3Dietary supplements for autism
  • Track 9-4Neurotransmission in autism
  • Track 9-5 Autism therapy
  • Track 9-6Advances in autism diagnosis
  • Track 9-7Autism in children

Forensic Psychology is the application of psychology to the criminal justice system; it deals with the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders and criminals. It is an interface between mental health and law. Mostly people get confused between the Forensic science and Forensic Psychology .so here we will discuss on is Forensic Science and Forensic Psychology related?? Forensic psychologists frequently deal with legal issues, such as public policies, and new laws .This topic has the wide scope which includes Criminological studies, Ethical issues, Recent Challenges for Psychology and law, recent development and advancement in Forensic psychology, Prediction of violence and risk assessment and Case Studies.

  • Track 10-1Is forensic Science and forensic psychology related??
  • Track 10-2Criminological studies
  • Track 10-3Ethical issues
  • Track 10-4Recent Challenges for Psychology and law
  • Track 10-5Recent development and advancement in Forensic psychology
  • Track 10-6Predection of violence and risk assessment
  • Track 10-7Case Studies

Cognitive Neuroscience is a branch concerned about both psychology and neuroscience. Cognitive neuroscience is all about perception, memory, action, and language. It can look at effects of damage to the brain and subsequently changes in the thought processes. Cognitive neuroscience has emerged from many other fields like psychology, neuroscience and computer science. Our conference will mainly emphasize on Cognitive disturbance and rehabilitation, genetic abnormalities, neuroimaging studies and neuropsychiatry and its applications.

  • Track 11-1Cognitive disturbance and rehabilitation
  • Track 11-2Genetic abnormalities
  • Track 11-3Early behavior disruptive disorders
  • Track 11-4Neuroimaging studies of early brain development
  • Track 11-5Neuropsychiatry and its application
  • Track 11-6Cognitive Mental Illness
  • Track 11-7Social cognitive psychology
  • Track 11-8Cognitive development in infants ,child and adolescent
  • Track 11-9Child Brain

Psychiatric disorders are at the increased rate in both child and adolescent. Young people suffer from emotional, behavior and mental, problems that are real, painful, and very costly .These problems, often called termed as disorders and or depression are a source of stress for the child , adolescent ,family, school, community, and society. All these mental disorders if untreated these conditions influence development of child. Most mental health problems are diagnosed in adulthood begins in adolescence. The goal of the session is to get the knowledge of different psychiatric disorders as Eating disorders, Schizophrenia, Depression and suicide, Bipolar disorders, Post traumatic stress disorder, phobia, Tourette syndrome, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Dementia, Cognitive Disorders, Stuttering, Concussion, Insomnia and conduct disorders.

  • Track 12-1Mental illness
  • Track 12-2Dyslexia
  • Track 12-3Migrane
  • Track 12-4Stuttering
  • Track 12-5Concusssion
  • Track 12-6Insomnia
  • Track 12-7Phobia
  • Track 12-8Concussion
  • Track 12-9Depression and suicide
  • Track 12-10Anxiety and pain
  • Track 12-11Bipolar disorder
  • Track 12-12Mood disorder
  • Track 12-13Eating disorders
  • Track 12-14Conduct disorder
  • Track 12-15Schizophrenia
  • Track 13-1Child and Adolescent Counselling
  • Track 13-2Impact of counseling
  • Track 13-3Mental health problems counseling
  • Track 13-4Psychological experience couseling
  • Track 13-5Counselling psychology current theories

Mental health problems are common and affect the lifespan of each and every individual. These problems include psychological disorders related toanxiety, mood, eating, psychosis, substance use, and personality, as well as all psychological problems. The death rate have increased to 20% and thus to reduce the no of death rates here the focus of research includeChild Psychopathology Manifestation of psychological disorders, Oppositional deficient disorder, Disruptive behavior disorder, Pervasive developmental disorders, How to do  Early Intervention and prevention, what can be the Therapeutic approaches towards prevention.

  • Track 14-1Child psychopathology
  • Track 14-2Manifestation of psychological disorders
  • Track 14-3Oppositional deficient disorder
  • Track 14-4Disruptive behavior disorder
  • Track 14-5Pervasive developmental disorders
  • Track 14-6Early intervention and prevention
  • Track 14-7Therapeutic approaches towards prevention
  • Track 14-8Child Psychotherpaist
  • Track 14-9Family therapy with child
  • Track 14-10Psychoanalysis

As we all know guiding children’s behavior is an important aspect caring for children and child education. Children are also spontaneous and unpredictable so it is impossible to prevent children from ever misbehaving with others. Parents should be aware of how to Deal with misbehavior of child and Helping children develop self-discipline / good behavior/ self-control. Discipline teaches a child to follow rules all this leading to Developmental Management Approach to classroom behavior, how a child behaves with peers, behavior modification among children and thus Environment influences in child behavior development.

  • Track 15-1Mental and emotional development
  • Track 15-2Social development
  • Track 15-3Child behavior with peers
  • Track 15-4Behavior modifications among children
  • Track 15-5Enviroment influences in child behavior development
  • Track 15-6Language Development
  • Track 16-1Mental health in schools
  • Track 16-2Assessment of mental and behavioural disorders
  • Track 16-3Mental health - individual and group counselling
  • Track 16-4Mental Health & Addictions
  • Track 16-5Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Practice
  • Track 16-6Advanced therapeutics in Mental health Disorders
  • Track 16-7Cognition in mental health

Child and developmental Psychology is the study of why and how human beings change over the course of their life. Previously it was concerned with infants and children but now the field has expanded to adolescence, development of adult and ageing. According to NIH mental disorders are common among children in the United States, just over 20% (or 1 in 5) children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously exhaust mental disorder. About 4 million children and adolescents in USA suffer from a serious mental disorder that causes significant functional impairments at home, at school and with peers. Child psychology conferences - 2015 will provide an opportunity for all working on child & adolescent issues to talk about their work. Our conference will congregate renowned speakers, forensic, sports, clinical, pediatric and behavioral psychologist from both academia and health care industry will join together to discuss their views and research.

  • Track 17-1Child psychologists case reports
  • Track 17-2Forensic psychologist
  • Track 17-3Sports psychologist
  • Track 17-4Clinical psychologist
  • Track 17-5Pediatric psychologist
  • Track 17-6Behavioural psychologist
  • Track 17-7Criminal psychologist

Psychopharmacology is the learning of the effects of medication on the psyche (psychology), observing changed behaviors and how molecular events are manifest in a measurable behavioral form. Neurogenesis and repair deal with other aspects on the indications for medications prescribed to address psychiatric problems, that are associated with, including antipsychotic, acquired brain injury and psychopharmacology drugs and their interaction with neurotransmitters also include mood stabilizers and treatments prescribed for disorders of attention. The treatments may cause side effects such as induction of the metabolic syndrome. The effectiveness of the drugs can be increased by prescriber’s knowledge over emotional and interpersonal issues of the patient i.e. psychology of psychopharmacology. Schizophrenia is such a disorder which affects the thinking and acting ability of a person caused by viral infection, genetically or by immune disorder. 

  • Track 18-1Psychology of psychopharmacology
  • Track 18-2Preclinical psychopharmacology
  • Track 18-3Dose response relation in psychiatric medications
  • Track 18-4Developmental Psychopharmacology

Psychopharmacology is the learning of the effects of medication on the psyche (psychology), observing changed behaviors and how molecular events are manifest in a measurable behavioral form. Neuropharmacology is the study of the effects of medication on central and peripheral nervous system performance.

  • Track 19-1Medication based case report
  • Track 19-2Research based case report
  • Track 19-3Diagnostic case report
  • Track 19-4Case report in World
  • Track 19-5Case report in UK
  • Track 19-6Case report in USA
  • Track 19-7Case report in Children and Adolescent

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